You said, Practical Problem Solving ? 





We customize Training and Workshop for you

Learning Approch

Learning Concept: Augmented Reality (Interactive simulator)

The mission is to lead you to success in learning of Lean Six-Sigma transformation. The goal is first to demystify Lean, Six​-Sigma and the combination of both "LSS" to help you understand and explore the best way to use tools of "Lean thinking approach" and "Six-Sigma DMAIC strategy"  to solve problems and second to learn with an attractive concept "LEARNING BY DOING". 
Less theory and more practices through our 
Augmented Reality.

We, all know ! 
Learning as adults involves practicing the tools learned with the instructor. 
The weight of theory in t​he learning decreases concentration and affects passion.

Augmented Reality

Foc​us on Synergy Approach

Hands on training, to provide a knowhow to participants to gain more practices than heavy load of theory.
 This leanway learning method allows future Belt to be more productive in Lean ​​Six Sigma transformation projects 

LSS Synergy

Get ride of none value added activities a​nd optimize value added activities t​o reach ​the highest level of sigma

Understanding the level of quality related to LSS

Understand the vision of Lean and Six-Sigma sinergy